Fruit Smoothies

Lately I've been obsessing over fruit smoothies again, and making them at home has been a real treat. My mom used to blend them every morning for me, and now that I'm married I'm carrying that forward for myself and Joseph. They're great for breakfast-on-the-go (especially during the morning commute), and full of energizing vitamins. I swear it even makes my skin glow! Super easy to … [Read more...]

The Art of Tea: Sloane Fine Tea Merchants

Sloane Tea, by far, is my favourite tea company and I can't even begin to tell you how long I've waited to post this. I think partly it's because I wanted to keep it to myself, but how can something this good (and good looking) not be shared? Sloane is a Canadian gem with exoticly sourced teas overseen by Hoda Paripoush, the founder, director, and head tea sommelier of her company (she … [Read more...]